
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Explosion of new abilities

Yesterday was PJ's 9 month check up. I got to go over all that he can do with his Dr. It seems that his gross motor has just exploded, every day something new just about. His speech (vocal sounds) is coming right along, too. I think soon it will be time to get him OT, maybe I need to talk to his services coordinator and see when we can do this.

Monday he started sitting up on his own, and now, Saturday, he's a pro at it. Yesterday he started getting up on hands and knees and rocking back and forth. He wants to crawl sooooo bad, but his coordination needs work. he ends up face planting during the first step of an attempted crawl. I'm glad he's a tough little dude. He also is trying to pull up to standing, as of yesterday; hence the blog title - Something just seems to have clicked for him.

His Dr. also found a little indentation on the front bottom gum, where she is sure a tooth is. It may still be awhile, but at least I know to look out for it.

His naps are finally falling into place, and he takes 2 a day, at least one hour each, sometimes longer. (yay!)

Stats from check up:

Weight - 19 pounds
Length - 25-1/2 inches
Head Circ. - 18-1/4 inches

Monday, June 23, 2008

9 - 1 - 4

9 months, 1 week, 4 days.

Approximately 2 months after he began sitting up when placed in that position, Little PJ is now getting himself to sitting. He was sitting up in his crib this morning when I went to get him from his first nap, and has done it several times since. I'm so happy for him, and he's pretty happy for himself. Grinning from ear to ear with all the applause and cheers directed at him today. My husband will lament that we don't own a video camera, as do I. If I had one, you'd all see it too! *sigh*

yay PJ, you absolutely rock my world.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Little Man is 9 Months Old!

Well, he will be on Thursday (the 12th) It goes by so quickly.

Here's a list of things he does now

He pivots, mostly to the left. In fact, he'll turn a full circle most times to avoid going to the right, even when whatever he wants is closer to his right.

He rolls, front to back, back to front, all over the place.

He's starting to try out getting on his knees and elbows. Arms are still a bit week for knees and hands.

He's grabbing and mouthing EVERYTHING. He shakes rattles, tears up his playroom. Jumps up and down on laps, and in his jumperoo.

He gives big ol' wet kisses, when begged.

He eats breakfast, lunch and dinner. He's still taking a bottle, and has no interest in holding it himself, so we haven't even bothered with trying a straw cup yet.

He gives huge smiles, and every once in a while he chuckles, but I'm still waiting for the big belly shaking laughs. - Part of this laugh thing is that he seems to think that a big hardy laugh is crying, and so when we laugh, he gets confused, like he's made us cry. I know he'll get it eventually.

He says da da da, bla bla bla, dla dla dla, and every now and again - ma ma ma, but honestly, I'm pretty sure it's just practice noises at this point.

He blows raspberries, and he really enjoys them with a mouth full of baby food. Usually that's when I've decided he's had enough.

Naps are still hit and miss, mostly miss. Bed time is any where from 7pm to 8pm and he sleeps till 5:30 or 6am. Here's the latest pics of him..