Wow, ok, no apologies, I just suck.
PJ is now 28 months old. He was low on iron and I resisted putting him on extra because I'd heard that iron and DS dont mix well, that our kids don't process it well and it can be dangerous. Well, I got the ok from the DS clinic, put him on a very low dose for a month, and his iron came up 2 points and is right at "normal". Well, in that month we've seen some strides, including saying "bye bye" appropriately, signing "thank you" and playing/pretending to talk on a toy phone in a mirror. Little advances that make a mommies heart soar.
I got "let go" last week, no reason that makes any sense, so daddy is now looking and I'm trying to stay home. We'll see how that goes. I'll try to get some current pics of PJ up soon.
Thanks for stopping by.