
Friday, April 9, 2010

What would You do? (Iron deficiency)

I don't have the numbers, but if you could consider the post without actual stats and comment, I'd be grateful.

We've been battling a low iron problem with PJ for the past few months, and by a mis-communication between dr's office and myself, I had him on multi vitamins, but no iron for a month, which is why it's taken so long to begin to address the issue. Here's the thing. Pediatrician just recommended 4 times 100% (FOUR TIMES) the daily amount of iron, for a month, and then a recheck. Seems really extreme to me. I was thinking maybe 100% of the daily recommended amount for a month with a recheck then. I think I'm cautious because I've heard that high iron is very abrasive in our kids systems, because of the extra chromosome. (or something like that) I've voiced this concern to the Ped. She's not the easiest person to get on the phone, her guard dog nurse is always the one to call me back. I'm not unhappy with his care there overall, I just would love some opinions on what would YOU do?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter time

Grandma bought PJ a cute shorts and top from target several weeks ago, before it was really warm enough to wear, so he wore them yesterday (Easter Sunday) and when his sister got home from church with her Grandma, she ran and changed into an outfit that she had really outgrown from last summer, but she stayed in it long enough for me to get a few pics, how cute is this?

In other news, Daddy ran off to work in the carnival. He recently made contact with one of his best friends from childhood days, whom he hadn't seen in nearly 20 years, and he happens to life the life of traveling carnie. Contrary to my preconceived notions, Joe is good people, not a junkie, not a thief, just a really nice guy with a huge heart. He and his wife are really nice, normal people, and Joe got Daniel the chance to work at the fair, slinging french fries and corndogs for a few days while the carnival was in a nearby town. Daniel was gone from Thursday to Monday morning, brought home a little cash, and now knows what it's like to be a carnival worker.

I just canceled my Myspace account. I NEVER used it anymore, I'm always on Facebook.

PJ has been battling low iron, and when we get his levels up, we see great strides in his cognitive development, and when it drops, he regresses, so we're working on that and other issues, but life is good.

That's about it for now, thanks for checking in.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A few new pics

This one is a little different

I know that most if not all of my posts here center around my youngest child, PJ. This will be a little different in that it's all about Rebecca, my middle child. She is 13 years old, in the 7th grade, which is year 2 of middle school. She goes to a magnet school, not because we applied, but because it's the assigned school for where we live. She's been Honor Roll for as long as I can remember, but specifically she's not missed an honor roll award since starting middle school. This last grading period, she also got an award for behavior. Recently one of her teachers nominated her for inclusion into the 2010 United States Achievement Academy National Yearbook, which allows her, and other recipients of this honor the opportunity to apply for 400 different grants awarded annually that are only available to those honored in this yearbook. While filling out her bio, she realized the importance of extra-curricular activities for her future acceptance into college. She is trying out for track this week. On Monday, she was so beaten that she wanted to quit. They worked those girls hard. I told her I wouldn't be mad at her if she decided to quit, but after a hot bath and a motrin and a good nights sleep, she said they could cut her, but she wouldn't quit. Today (after day 2 of tryouts) she's limping around like an old lady, but not going to quit. Poor thing. I take ZERO credit for how this beautiful girl is turning out, but I'm so very proud of her. Yes, she displays 13 year old attitude at times, but gosh darn it she is an amazing child. She is terrific with children, I mean gifted with them, little ones come to her, even if they don't know her. I love all of my babies, and am proud of each of them. They all work hard and bring me joy. I just needed to brag on Becca, she is a truly beautiful person, and I can't think of a thing she could do that would make me more proud of her than I already am. I love u Becca!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What?! A Post??!! HERE? No way!

Wow, ok, no apologies, I just suck.

PJ is now 28 months old. He was low on iron and I resisted putting him on extra because I'd heard that iron and DS dont mix well, that our kids don't process it well and it can be dangerous. Well, I got the ok from the DS clinic, put him on a very low dose for a month, and his iron came up 2 points and is right at "normal". Well, in that month we've seen some strides, including saying "bye bye" appropriately, signing "thank you" and playing/pretending to talk on a toy phone in a mirror. Little advances that make a mommies heart soar.

I got "let go" last week, no reason that makes any sense, so daddy is now looking and I'm trying to stay home. We'll see how that goes. I'll try to get some current pics of PJ up soon.

Thanks for stopping by.