
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

could it be? another blog about my marvelous son?

could it be? another blog about my marvelous son?
Category: Life

Hi all. Today PJ had his 4 month check up and shots, and even though he's 4 months and 10 days, I figured I'd give you his stats...

He now weighs 13 pounds, 5 ounces. (12th percentile)
He is 22-1/2 inches in length, (5th percentile) the little shorty (although to be fair, he was only 17 inches at birth, so he's grown 5-1/2 inches)
His head is 16-3/4 inches circumference, (50th percentile) yay! his brains are getting bigger!!

Dr. is very pleased with his overall growth and health. he got 4 shots in his widdu wegs today, needless to say, he's doing a lot of whining intermingled with a lot of napping. One of the shots was the synergis shot, which he'll get monthly from now until March, I think - that's the one that protects against RSV. Yay!! With so many other things to worry about, it's nice not to have to worry about that!

A couple of weeks ago, I started him on some vitamins, made specifically for people with DS, because the extra chromosome somehow makes proper absorption of certain vitamins very difficult. The effects of these supplements are to help strengthen immune system, and battle against Alzheimer's. Did you know that over 50% of young adults with Down syndrome get Alzheimer's? One of the added benefits of this supplement is that it supposedly helps learning and memory function. I honestly don't know if it's true, and my giving him the vitamins aren't dependent upon his mental function. It's about keeping him healthy for as long as possible. But, if it does work for that too, then what a bonus, huh? For him to be capable and independant in the future would be simply golden.

Love to all,

Without intending to, I've become a sort of an advocate for TNI (targeted nutritional intervention) There are 2 companies that make the vitamins, and both will send you a free sample.

One is a USA company, and one is Canadian. The Canadian company adds flavor to their compound so that it's more pleasant mixed in with formula or baby food. But the USA one seems to only provide the vitamins that are needed, and nothing that's not. If you have the time, check out the yahoo group, " DSTNI " Dr. Lawrence Leichtman frequents there and he's someone all parents of children with DS should know of.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Four months old

Four months ago today, my little miracle came into the world. He is so sweet and yes, a little spoiled. If I decided today to stop spoiling him and be "tough" with him, he'd still get spoiled by Grandma, Sissy, and Daddy, so what the heck, right? Anyway, I just needed to commemorate this day, and a blog seemed appropriate.

As far as milestones, the one I'd hoped he'd reach by now and hasn't done yet is turning over. So far he just doesn't seem interested.

He grabs for toys that are within reach, including his sisters hair.
He recognizes my voice and my face, and graces me with a big smile. He does this for his daddy, and his big sissy, too. Grandma he's still a little not too sure of, and so far, he's withholding smiles from her.
He kicks and stands supported.
He talks to his sissy (oooooooo) and today he sang with her (again, oooooo)
I started spoon feeding him a week ago, oatmeal. He likes it, and there's enough fiber in it to help keep the constipation away. (yay)

That's it for this update, take care all.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Reflections and forward thoughts

For the new year of 2008
Current mood: contemplative
Category: Life

Wow. I've noticed since becoming a new-old mommy the number of blogs I post has decreased. Today Becca and Daddy are helping me with PJ, so I can take a little more time for myself. One reason I wanted to blog was to wish everybody a happy and safe celebration of "out with the old and in with the new."

My life encountered a whole bunch of changes in 2007.
I found out I was to have a baby. - shocker of the century
I found out my baby was to have down syndrome.
I lost my job.
My husband lost his job.
PJ was born.
We ended up moving away from our home of 4 years.
We moved into my mom's now very crowded house to begin again.

There are at least a dozen more, but you get the drift. I guess the beginning of a new calendar year, for me, doesn't necessarily signify a new beginning. I've had a lot of new beginnings, and not one that I can think of correspond with 01/01 of any given year.

Daniel is working, full-time (almost) since Thanksgiving, so that's good. We're hoping he can find a better paying job, so that I can continue to stay home with PJ. I just don't know what I'll do if my only option is to leave him. It was very hard with Rebecca when she was 7 weeks old, but I'm sure I'll really have a breakdown if I have to do it with PJ - my eyes tear up when I even think about it.

So, I'm still struggling with county, state and federal agencies on PJ's behalf, I've learned a good deal about "the system" but am still a novice, I'm sure. I have a new family, too. They are the parent's and siblings and individuals themselves with down syndrome. It's different than a club, because you voluntarily join a club. It's a family because very few of us asked to be in it. I don't want to make it sound like I'm unhappy in this new family, because I'm not, at all. My new family is huge, and loving, and supportive, and experienced, and educated, and they happily share any and all relevant knowledge. They are always ready with a tissue, a shoulder, or kudos and praise, whichever happens to be appropriate.

So, in closing, I want you all to know that I wish you a wonderful 2008, but that it already started, days ago. I wish for you a flu-free winter, an unexpected visit that brings laughter and rest for your worries; time enough with family, and all the love your hearts can handle, with some spilling over.