
Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Well, PJ seems to be feeling better. I don't know what the deal was with the temperature, but he didn't wake up with one this morning, and he had a really good day. He did get a little warm this afternoon, but just a little, and I gave him my new friend Motrin, and he was fantastic after that. It looks like the prevacid is really doing it's job, and then some - he had a bit of diarrhea today, so now I'm wondering if I should stop adding the miralax to his morning bottle to combat constipation... I might lay off the miralax tomorrow, and see if we get regularity anyway, not sure. The pediatrician called again today to check on him, and said she'd call again tomorrow, so I'll ask her what she thinks about the prevacid and the miralax. We had talked about blood tests, but she wanted to wait a few days to see if whatever was causing the fever would manifest in something else, since it was new and didn't want to have to draw blood more than once. Anyway, knowing our fear("our" being collective, as in all parents with kids who have DS) she was ready to order the CBC if I pushed it, but I didn't. I know better now, and I will if it comes back. He's supposed to have blood drawn 1st week of October, to check his thyroid, so I would like to be able to wait, for his sake.

Twice a year a local church holds a childrens consignment sale. I've registered as a seller and have a bunch of stuff to price before thursday, when I have to deliver and set up. PJ has a lot of stuff that doesn't fit him! Mom's coming over tomorrow to help me get thru it. Only the fall/winter stuff will go at this time. Hopefully we'll make a little to be able to get him a new car seat. He's really over the rear-facing-laying-down-can't-see-anything infant car seat.

Got rid of the gray today, in an attempt to look younger for interviewing. LOL. Went a shade lighter, and of course, my brunette Rebecca doesn't like it, I think she prefers me to have a darker brown hair so that we look like we're related. PJ has a different therapy tomorrow, wednesday and thursday this week, plus a check up at WIC on Wednesday, Friday is Becca's birthday (oh God, I'm so not ready) and then NEXT Friday is PJ'S birthday! (mine is Wednesday, in between the two kids) So, lots going on, but without an income, it's going to be hard to spoil my babies.

Oh, and one more thing (since I'm ranting and wining), what's up with NOBODY but my mom donating towards the buddy walk????!!! I emailed EVERYONE, plus posted a bulletin on myspace. Is it because it's not looking for a cure? Isn't it enough that the organization they donate to will make life a little better for our kids?

Peace out.


Kathy said...

p.s. When I say nobody/everybody, I certainly DON'T mean to imply my friends who are participating in their own buddy walk. I mean family and friends who should want to show their support of PJ. ok, I'm really done now. Off to bed for me.

Melanie said...

I cut my boy's hair, including my husbands. I cut Logan's with a scissors. I put a towel down on the floor and give him a bunch of toys, and if he is willing to sit in one place, I can cut it slowly. I wouldn't know where to take my kids if I didn't do it. The easiest thing is just to use a buzz cutter with the length attachments. I use that for Devin and my husband. Good luck! I am glad to hear PJ is feeling better.